Friday, June 17, 2011

Scripture Memory #11 - June 16, 2011


Did you think 6 months ago that you would have this many verses under your belt by the middle of the year? You've stuck with it, and now here we are at the mid-way point. 

I'm proud of you for your perseverance! I know it's not easy to memorize, and life is so busy that it seems hard to fit in one more thing, but we also know that "man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Matt 4:2-4). I pray you may find yourself receiving rich, spiritual nourishment with each verse you're memorizing! 

  • Have you found your verses come in to your head at a moment when you need them? 
  • Have you been able to see God more clearly?

Just the other day I was having a conversation in my head while working in the garden, and some of my thoughts were turning away from being positive, almost without me realizing it. As I was questioning if I should verbalize my thoughts with someone, one of my recent verses came in my head - "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things." (Phil 4:8). 

Talk about a course correction! It was exactly what I needed to be reminded of at that moment in time. I chose to correct my thoughts and think of the blessings instead, and my day took a more positive turn.

What about you? As you post your next verse, what has God been speaking to you about this year as you've been memorizing portions of His Word?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Scripture Memory #10 - June 1, 2011

Hello JUNE 1st! We're close to the halfway mark for the year! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and God's glorious majesty can be seen all around creation, but especially in each of YOU!

It's time to post your next memory verse. I've been working on a series of verses - one right after the next - and I've found that's been easier to remember since they're in the same book.

As you sit by the pool over the coming days and weeks, take the time to meditate on your next verse (and the others you have under your belt)....and don't forget to share it with us....I'm waiting....  :o)

Love, Laura

Monday, May 16, 2011

Scripture Memory #9 - May 16, 2011

I'm thinking that life is just traveling faster and faster, and the days are shorter than we think they are! That must be why the past two weeks have gone by so quickly.

It's time to post a new scripture again. And I can say that this time I'm ready, and know that I have the previous one down pretty good. I went back through the other 8 we have done so far, and could confidently do 7 of them - yes, there's one in there that slipped through the cracks on the memory, but I'm hoping to pick it up as I work on this new one. away - what will you be working on this time?

Looking forward to seeing your entries!

Love, Laura 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Scripture Memory #8 - May 2, 2011

It's time again! How have the past two weeks flown by so quickly??! I worked on my verse quite diligently at the beginning of the last entry, but was lax in this past week. I think (emphasize "think") I could still type it for you without goes....

Psalm 5:11
"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."

OK....Confession: I typed it...checked it, realized I didn't totally have the first part, and then corrected it. I did get the second half - partial victory! Grrr...still need to say it out loud some more....don't think I can blame it on bad typing skills  :o)

I have my Bible open in anticipation of entering my next verse, and I just looked down and saw the heading in the previous chapter (I'm in Philippians) - "PRESSING ON TOWARD THE GOAL". Quite fitting, isn't it? That's what we're doing each time we work on getting just a bit more of God's Word into our minds and hearts - we're pressing on toward the goal of knowing Him better, and trusting Him more.

My challenge to you.....when you go into the comments - try to type your most recent verse without looking at it first, and then check it and see how you did.

Then....either choose to keep working on it, or PRESS IN and PRESS ON - and let everyone know your next verse. Mine's in the comments....and I'm going to try and type Psalm 5:11 again...with no corrections this time!

Love to you all!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Scripture Memory #7 - April 16, 2011

Hello again! I don't know about you, but it seems like the past two weeks have gone by rather quickly. And now it's time once again to move forward to another memory verse.....or perhaps keep working on what you chose on April 1st.

I'm not quite at the point where I can say my last verse 100% of the time, but I'm getting close, so I'm ready to move forward.

How about you?

Post what you're planning to work on and let's keep going!! We can do it!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Scripture Memory #6 - April 1, 2011 may notice that it's been more than two weeks since the last post. Even though I picked out a memory verse for March 15th, due to illness and other commitments that were going on in our lives, I didn't make the time to post on the blog.....nor have I done a great job with committing this verse to memory. I'm now ready to re-focus. How about you?

I think I'm going to call this one a mulligan, and since I don't have it yet, I'm choosing the same verse to work on for the next two weeks. Maybe you were needing some extra time to work on a verse as well.

I'm hoping you realize that it's totally OK to choose to work at your own pace on these memory verses - every two weeks, one per month, or even one every six weeks if that works better for you. No matter how long you work on a verse, the point is that you're working on it! To God be the glory!

On this April Fools Day, here's hoping that you'll be inspired to keep challenging yourself with committing each of the verses you've chosen so far to memory, and continuing forward as we go through this year.....and that's no joke!

Love, Laura

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Scripture Memory #5 - March 1, 2011


How is it March already?? We're almost 25% into 2011....doesn't it seem like we were just saying "Happy New Year  a few weeks ago?

It's time to post your next scripture memory verse, as well as share how you've been doing with the first four verses. I have my verses in a small spiral notebook, as well as in an app on my phone. I've found that if I see the reference and the first two words, I can usually say the entire verse. If I let a few days go by without reviewing my verses, though, I have to really concentrate to think about what the references were for each of the verses I've chosen so far. I think some of that is because they're from all different books of the Bible. So, this time, I'm choosing another verse from the same book I had been in previously, and we'll see if that makes it quicker for me to pull that reference out of my memory bank!

My most recent verse has been from Colossians 4:5-6 and has been reminding me "to be wise in the way I act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let my conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that I may know how to answer everyone."  I'll admit that my main circle of friends and neighbors all attend church. This verse has caused me to think about the other people I interact with as I go throughout my day (at the store, the girl's musical practice, co-workers) and the attitude I have, along with the words I use. I'm trying to do better at building relationships instead of just completing a task.    

What about you? What have you been learning?

Looking forward to seeing your verses and your thoughts! My new one is in the comments.
